My Restless Lens

By terri365

Bye Bye...

...wee car...

Really sad to see her go - she was a brilliant wee car and survived lots of unintended off road jaunts!  She has been here there and everywhere in pursuit of snow, views and beasties.

It has been confirmed my mum has had a haemorragic stroke but they still don't know the cause...  The repeat CT and MRI will not be for a few days as they want to determine whether or not it will get smaller on its own, or indeed get bigger.  They are also still bemused at how well she is.  If you Google it (which I resisted until this morning) that type of stroke is doom and gloom...  She will see a few other consultants - dietician and OT for a start - before she will be allowed to go home.  Which suits my dad for now as he is still testing positive even although he is feeling better.

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