The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


……………………………describes mine and the little ones mood about 6am this morning! My weekend finally caught up with me today, I’m absolutely shattered!

Over to Berwick with the wee one about 9.30am as I’d an appointment at the surgery to have bloods and such done ready for an annual review next week. My blood pressure is perfectly normal and has stayed down despite reducing one of the medications by 50% last Friday…really chuffed about that and hope I’ll be able to cut the medication even more.

I had a prescription to pick up on my way back to the car but had to wait for a pharmacist to come over from the branch on the other side of the river. After waving to a friend as I neared the bridge I realised I could still make it home in time for Zumba if I hurried…it was another warm class. After our usual cuppa and chat I headed straight home for lunch and an afternoon nap!

I was parked under the new road bridge this morning when I went into Berwick and thought this railing suited the mono Monday theme. Thanks to JacZero for hosting this month.

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