
By Nigel


I got 50 free Moo cards for gaining some Klout. So not only am I a mover and shaker in the online social scene, I have cards to give to people to tell them so.

Break from graphics to do some programming at work, we are considering doing a project with Sinatra for Ruby and Ember.js. Ember I know a bit of from second job and this makes it easier to legitimately fiddle around with it at work and Sinatra seems to be a bit like a simplified Rails. Both looking good and I think outside of work I may take the step down from Rails to Sinatra.

In the evening I got back into the swing of using a proper computer again, it's so much quieter for a start with the new parts, though I haven't put my graphics card back in which might have been contributing to the noisiness of my previous set up. Without the graphics card I am getting about the same windows experience index which whilst not telling the full story may mean I don't need to put the old one back in but I'll need to find ot if the onboard graphics chipset does CUDA and OpenGL, which I doubt. I also haven't put the soundcard back in which I will have to do at some point as the onboard sound is only 16-bit and I'd get 24-bit from the soundcard.

Jen stayed up rather later than she should have been when she is due to work in Hamilton at 9AM tomorrow. And when I went to bed she had reached the thousand yard stare and not responding to anything that doesn't emit from the computer screen. That does not bode well.

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