
By Ridgeback13

Intrepid explorers

We'd planned a first cycle ride now V and I both have our e-bike's. It's ages since we went on one of these rides as V was having trouble being able to ride comfortably on her previous bike.
I had another disturbed night - not sure what's going on at the moment as I'm taking ages to get to sleep then waking a couple of times before finally about 6am. Last night it didn't help that some young people in the shared gardens were talking and laughing far too noisily and I very nearly shouted out of the window but thought that wake more people up!
Once up I made some raspberry jam ready to give to people tomorrow night, then prepped for our trip. We decided not to go with a picnic but instead to stop at a cafe and V had planned a route out to Ormiston and then back along the coast from Cockenzie. The forecast had been for another warm sunny day but it didn't materialise and was cloudy and a bit windy. Still, it was great to get out and get some more exercise after yesterday's 8 miles walking.. 
Because I don't use the bike very often I always find I've got the wrong key or struggle with the lock or whatever and I ended up having to lock the bike hoop up twice to come back up to the flat and change stuff - grr!
Eventually got off though and met up with V at her place and admired her new bike, then we set off, laughing and giggling as we went along and trying to catch up on our news when we could cycle alongside each other. We did 25 miles together, and I did another 8 miles getting to her place and going home afterwards so a good first trip. We were on cycle paths most of the way - varying between nice wide new tarmac paths and earth tracks alongside fields. We had lunch at the very friendly Maggie's tea shop in Ormiston - sitting outside with sandwiches and cake with a big pot of tea.
Was really windy as we came along the seafront on the way home, so thank goodness for the motors so we could just enjoy the wonderful scents from the wild carrot and clovers among other wildflowers lining the path.
Once I got home I had a bit of a chillout time and organised events over the next few days for K coming up on Wednesday.then had a stir fry as the sun came out and shone brightly all evening!

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