My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd


My Great Great Niece is 15 today, so Happy Birthday to her.
Off to Bexhill to get my Blood taken to check on everything, I arrived 5 minutes early, but was seen quite quickly.
As my Nephew told me the other day that I could visit anytime; today was the day.
The Nurses were welcoming & my Nephew was so happy to see me, we had a hug & held hands as we caught up on what's been going on in our lives; then I got to speak to the Matron talking about how my Nephew is & she asked me to send her a bit of information about him as she thought he didn't have any family.
I walked to this Shelter on the Seafront.
Very quickly my Doctors got back to me to say that I'm Anaemic, so more Blood tests for me next week.

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