
By ZE1Christie

Sunny Sumburgh Airport

A beautiful sunny day, breezy lovely and warm.  Winds calmed, a perfect evening. 

Up at 5am, early shift in the airport.  Started on the check-in desk, then moved to meeting and boarding flights.  Most flights on time, a couple of minor delays.  Popped by Laura's on my way home.  Eve is home, great to see her.  Went out to cut the grass, midgies are rife, I've never seen such massive swarms at my house before.  Finally gave up, headed out walkies with Sammy.  Off to bed early. 

It really has been a perfect summer's day.  Sunshine, lovely breeze and 20⁰c odd of warmth.  Summer may have been late to arrive, but glad it's finally here.  I had planned an evening walk somewhere, but the midgies slowed down the grass cutting.  A quick glance over the ramp this morning.  Edinburgh sitting on stand, and an oil charter taxiing out.  Taken at Sumburgh Airport. 

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