Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


The Mono Monday theme is " Spiky".  I had a few ideas and took a few shots - holly leaves, brambles, a cactus ... but decided on this group of spiky shells.  Thanks to JacZero for hosting.

Had quite a productive day today.  I suddenly decided this morning to tidy up my kitchen cupboards  -  the ones where I store tins and packets of pasta/rice etc.  I knew there would be the odd item in there which was out of date  but I was surprised to find quite a few. ( bad mark to me ).  Ive kept most of the out of date tins as I think the contents will be OK but Ive thrown out the packets.  I also threw out some tins of stuff I've stopped liking such as baked beans and tinned pasta.  I used to enjoy both but not any more.

I walked down to the village this afternoon to do some shopping. When I got home I quickly unpacked the shopping and got out into the front garden to mow the lawn.  I also did some dead - heading  - mainly the Buddleia bush. Its a huge one which still has lots of flowers in bloom but some were past their best. My next door neighbour Jackie was in her front garden too so we had a nice chat.  Later on she was sweeping up and her broom broke so I gave her one of mine.  I told her she could keep it as I have a few.

Olympic swimming on TV this evening. 

The weather has been lovely all day - not very sunny but nice and warm.

Steps today - 8,156

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