Carolina's journal

By Carolina


This was the only thing I could come up with and had to redo it a few times.  My fingers aren't as nimble as they used to be apparently!   I had to create my City a few times.   Spikopolis or perhaps New Spike City?  Spikesville??  Spikeattle?  Kinda fun to try and name your own city!!
  Many thanks to JacZero for hosting this month even though I've been MIA most of it!    My new daughter in law called to get my maiden name and State I was born so she could fill out the marriage license . ... No mom, we aren't quite legal yet.   Oh, well.     My oldest brother flies in from Tucson tomorrow so we will all get together on Sunday at my sister's house.   It's always fun to  gather with my sister and brothers, as there are 6 of us. 
   Thanks for stopping by and look forward to your comments on my City!!        Joe has been busy trying to catch a Mole or a Vole.  not sure the difference but perhaps the size.  At this point the Mole is hi-jacking our yard and thumbing his nose at us while we watch and  digging under or around the traps.   TNT and dynamite have been suggested.

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