Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Common Blue butterfly - 'Nature's confetti'

I don't know who first called butterflies 'nature's confetti', though I believe the saying was made popular by the ever prolific Anon.  Seems relevant, anyway, to this miniscule flake of blue.  Many thanks to isbi for hosting this month's Tiny Tuesday.

Phew, it's been just sooo hot today - well, for here.  29 degrees.  I'm melting.  So having got out and found this shot I thought I might have a peaceful day doing not too much - joke!  Lots of exhausting domesticity, then halfway through the morning I sat down for a minute in a comfortable chair and promptly fell asleep.  Rather shocked myself.  Still, I have to keep awake now as the doc is due to phone shortly.  After which I really might conk out for a bit!

Butterfly Conservation is saying the butterfly numbers have increased in the last few days, which is great news.  They certainly have here.  I've had a raft of whites, brimstones and peacocks in my garden, not to mention bees, all clammering to feed from the butterfly-friendly plants I put in last year (buddleia and verbena rigida).

Take care, lovely people, and have a great evening  xx

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