This is the day

By wrencottage

Playing in the sand

A very warm day, with my watch showing 30° by late afternoon. Fortunately, our house stays relatively cool so we didn’t spend much time outside, except when I popped out to hang up a couple of loads of washing for my daughter-in-law, which dried in no time.

I then did a couple of baskets worth of ironing, and marvelled at the delightful clothes that are made for little girls these days. Having had three boisterous boys, you can imagine how much I enjoy ironing the frills and lace and appliquéd pictures on my granddaughters’ t-shirts and dresses. (And while I was busy ironing, the inestimable Smithers was concocting another delicious meal from the Hello Fresh cookbook – lamb & pasta bake.)

My other main occupation today was to write a few verses of … well, I hesitate to call it poetry, it’s more correctly doggerel, but nevertheless I enjoyed composing it. I then typeset it with a decorative border, and printed it off on watercolour board. This will be sent to my other daughter-in-law, along with the card I’ve made for her significant birthday on Friday, and I have a feeling she’ll enjoy reading it!

Not having taken any photographs today, I thought I’d snap this picture of children playing on the beach, because that’s the reason I was washing all those little girls’ clothes … 

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