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By pplnani

Hot Blip

I have struggled with the heat, just about managed to get myself into the garden to take this photo of my favourite rose bush in various states of flower.

I decided to back up my photos from the computer to an external hard drive. I connected everything up, selected the file with all the photos in and told the computer to copy them to the other drive. Computer said 'searching for photos' which it did and then it said 'copying 32,642 items, this will take approx. 7 hours and 4o mins' - which it duly did and finished at 10.30pm. So I wasn't able to use the computer to do my blip as I daren't stop it once it had started. I now have to go through all the photos on my computer and delete quite a few, as my hard drive is almost full up, can't say I'm surprised really :-))

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