
By suehutton

A Birmingham Day

Time for Len's monthly infusion and the good news is that he IS receiving the drug shown to have impact on the early stages of Alzheimers. They've been investigating what dosage to apply.

I still wasn't feeling marvellous after having had my teeth out so was grateful that I was sitting in air conditioned comfort most of the day, first in the car, then in Re:Cognition's foyer, then in Wex Photographic and finally in the corner office where Len had to sit with the infusion being administered. That was cold. But it did have a TV screen so we were able to watch the Olympics. I mean, how can you miss it when you switch a TV on these days.

We were obliged to watch via iPlayer and somehow Day 1's mountain biking was being repeated. Well done to Trevor Pidcock.

It was a long day with psychology interviews for both of us and we had to wait 1 hour 40 minutes after the end of the infusion to be sure there were no unpleasant side effects. Helen had given Basil his dinner by the time we got home. But there was much less traffic on the road in Birmingham at 5 pm than there usually is at 4 pm.

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