Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Train Challenge No 9

Marco’s, Barry Island!

An early birthday present from my BC friend, a train trip to Barry Island and salty chips and ice cream by the sea. With a BIG birthday coming up next week, rather than going for a dignified birthday lunch, wanted to do something daft! Due to all three outward trains being delayed, only ended up with two hours there but we made the most of our time. 26 degrees by the sea in Wales, 29 degrees when I got home, and so muggy. At 9.15pm it’s still 27 degrees!

Train journey time = 3hr 11mins
Waiting between trains time = 1hr 24mins
Total journey time = 4hr 35mins

Took a lot of photos today but haven’t had chance to look at them as came home to find an ambulance next door, and then had a visit from poor E who really needed to talk. Have only just got rid of him so just a daft quick pic having fun outside Marco’s, along with my new friends! Tomorrow I’ll go through the rest of my pics and then bore you with them.

Haven’t been able to watch any Olympics today but today’s GB medal tally: Gold in Women's Quad Sculls Rowing and Men’s Triathlon. Silver in Men's BMX Freestyle. Bronze in Women’s Triathlon and Women’s 10m Synchronised Diving.

Thank you.

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