Murder is Legal

This cat, offered for adoption in my neighborhood, is cute.

That said, the state of Florida has established a legal environment where it is legal to murder a person who the killer decides is scary. On this day George Zimmerman was declared innocent of the murder of Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman was the aggressor at every stage, and Martin committed no wrong at any point. It's a racial thing.

I have no suitable image to illustrate my disgust and anger. There is no need to look into the past for back-century brutality and weird thinking to justify it. Just turn your attention to a moral shit-hole like Florida, or Texas, or for that matter, any part of the US prison system.

I no longer even bother to conceptualize why a thing like Florida is part of the same country as West Philadelphia, where I live. It shouldn't be.

That's all for now. Here's a song about lynching.

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