Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Gladdies, darlings

Neither of us remember planting these so we are assuming they self seeded. We have half a dozen plants growing close together in the same border and the stalks prior to blooming look spectacular, never mind when they flower.

Dame Edna would have been delighted,

Operation Transplant, AKA the moving in of The Dazzle and Ms R, went into full operational mode today as we had a project team meeting, did site visits, initiated the ground clearance phase, and began the option appraisal around deployment of key resources. This involved drinking coffee and going to the dump.

It was terribly hot again so we had to take it easy in between bouts of frenetic activity. I did read the first hundred or so pages of my Booker nominated novel (see yesterday's entry), and hydrated at frequent intervals.

I can't pretend this is a stress free time of life. But we are looking after each other as much as possible...

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