..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T


Finally I managed to get up early (0600) to get over to Buttermere for a go at the Pines. Probably I should have got up at 0500 but that's for another day, (or I can wait until autumn for the sun to rise at a reasonable hour)
 I got a bit fixated on creating a panorama. I have a tendency in landscapes to try to fit in the whole vista which is probably not always the best move.
Anyway today I went all out trying to fit in the pines, the lake, the mountains and all the reflections. The result, main blip, a 3 shot pano.
In extras, a 2 shot pano and a plain single landscape shot. Then a Highland Cow cooling off in the lake for good measure.
After all that I'm leaning towards the single shot in extras as my favourite! 
The day was not without incident, while faffing about changing from   16-70 Zeiss to 16mm Sigma Prime Lens I managed to let the 16-70 slip  from my hand and it rolled and bounced down the bank towards the lake,  I dived across the bank and managed to catch the lens in one hand as it went airborne over the lake. I was still  holding my camera body in my other hand, neither had lens caps on. 
It would seem I got away with it apart from my Jeans needing to go in the wash!
I'd be interested to know which shot people prefer

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