
By TonyG

Small Skipper

After an outing with Meg, meeting up with C and her Meg for what turned out mostly to be a sit in the shade this morning, today was about a trip south with Sue from singing, to see a gig.   We'd planned to take in the National Botanic Garden of Wales, near Carmarthen on the way but time and the heat led to a change of plan.   We did find a Plantlife reserve, not far from Lampeter, which was idyllic in the late afternoon sun.  Small Skipper butterflies aplenty plus Ringlets and Meadow Browns and we did find a few late orchids including one very tatty Lesser Butterfly Orchid for which this site is renowned.   Next year we'll take  a look a month or so earlier.

Then it was on into Carmarthen, The Lyric Theatre, a charming, small, old world venue where The Spooky Men's Chorale were great entertainment with a mix of covers and original songs delivered in a unique, somewhat offbeat and often very funny style.   A long drive - for Sue who offered - but well worth it :-)

The Spooky Men are Australian, this not the first time they have toured the UK.  Here's a link to a serious song and a less serious one

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