
By Ridgeback13

It begins

Beautiful warm sunny day and I began by walking via the Meadows to meet NPS for a (brief) annual review and general catch up. I had a cheeky scone as well as coffee…won’t help my weight loss ambitions!
From there I came home via the supermarket to start on cleaning and ironing etc. I had to rather push myself to do it, room by room, and stopped a couple of times for cups of tea or to read a bit or just cool down!
I made some gooseberry fool and an asparagus quiche for supper then walked over to McEwan Hall to see the Underbelly press launch which often gives a good flavour of the fringe madness about to begin. This year it started late, had some technical glitches, a not very funny comedian host and, perhaps since I couldn’t stay for the whole thing, only a few rather poor acts. Bit of a shame, but never mind, the month of crazy dashing between shows begins! This one was a musical news review group, no doubt they were happy the election results went the way the polls had forecast so they had longer to write their various songs (this one about Farage, Sunak, Starmer and DJT).
Popped down to the station to collect K then we came home for supper and to wade through the programme trying to think what to go and see whilst also watching some Olympics ….

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