
By loisbiz

Butterfly Flower with a Butterfly

The Butterfly Bush is doing its job well, attracting butterflies. I have seen several Swallowtails out on the flowers lately. This one has been beaten up a little but it's still very beautiful. I took a wider angle shot of the butterfly for Wide Wednesday, but there was no way to make it fit the challenge of "trio/three"...sorry Bob, thanks for hosting again today.

It was cloudy but still very pleasant today, I enjoyed being out in the garden. I noticed the Red Plums were falling off the tree; I have been keeping an eye on them but probably should have picked most of them yesterday. They are super sweet and juicy so they are a bit messy to eat fresh, but yummy. I may make jam with some of them.

Ellie came over this afternoon for some GG time; we had a wonderful afternoon and evening together; tomorrow she has a playdate planned with friends here at my house. Ellie has a lot of options planned for her friends, hopefully they will enjoy what she has planned, I think they will like finger painting and playing dolls or pet pals. I enjoy having the kids over to my house! 

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