Sunday lunch
Another busy day. Baking before lunch - quiche and meringues (the two generally go together as my quiche mixes uses lots of egg yolks) then, obviously, lunch - we did have more than quiche and carrots, some lettuce from the garden too.
Then, much painting which was making me feel rather warm, until I paused to watch the last hour of the cycling and suddenly felt rather lucky to be just teetering on a ladder in a sunny window, rather than slogging up that mountain. Froome's performance was quite extraordinary - how he can dredge up those reserves of strength after already having cycled really quite quickly for the whole day in the burning sun. I refuse to join the ranks of those suspecting drugs.
Later, more painting and some more strimming of long grass, despite being slightly intimidated by our neighbour strimming nearby with his proper strimmer whereas mine is just a teeny one that gives up in horror every five minutes at the jungles I throw it into. Now we have settled down for movie night with Cleopatre, though I fear it may have to be a double bill given how long it is!
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