Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

After work I scuttled round to D's place and from there we drove to deepest darkest Leicestershire to an organic dairy farm where we sat on bales of hay in a barn to watch a 90 minute documentary film all about regenerative farming.
There were swallows nesting in the rafters above, feeding their noisy chicks, and behind us were pretty cows whom we are assured are perfectly content. I don't know enough about cattle husbandry to comment
The film is called “Six Inches of Soil” and I loved it.
In one way it took me back to my memories of “doing the right thing” on my little small-holding in Greece, and in another way it fired me up for all the projects I have lined up for the moment I have fulll rights to the land I've had in my sights for well over a year.
Meanwhile, here is an image of a proper farmyard.

If you are interested, I can recommend this as highly as I recommended “3 acres and a cow

Apologies for blurriness, dusk was running at me.

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