Day 195: The Day We Climbed A Mountain!

For months now I've been telling McCombers that I wanted to climb a mountain. I don't know why, I'm incredibly unfit and very lazy, but I felt like it's something everyone must do once in their life. So this morning we set off for Bennachie!
There are several routes over Bennachie, ranging from the very easy to the very challenging. We decided to go for the Mither Tap route which was described as slightly challenging.
About 10 minutes into our walk I was deeply regretting this expedition. I was out of breath, sweaty and desperate for a sit down and a pint of lager!
We powered through, (by we I mean me, McCombers coped very well with the walk showing no sign of fatigue.) and after about an hour we made it to the top. It was well worth it!
We were both very proud of ourselves, seeing as neither of us are very outdoorsy people. When we reached the peak, I presented McCombers with the badge pictured above to celebrate our achievement!

I look forward to our next adventure!

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