Living my dream

By Mima


I couldn't persuade Bean that there was no frost this morning. She was convinced she needed to sleep very hard under her blankets until her breakfast was digested.

My morning was spent in the company of G in her garden. Or rather more accurately her garage where we went through all her seed packets to select the fresher ones to sow this year, some of which (the brassicas) we then sowed. 

I don't have many friends who are half my age, but G is one such. She is in her 30s, a teacher, and has three children under 10. Her thoughtful and wise approach to parenthood leaves me in awe. We discuss the impacts of childhood opportunities and setbacks almost every time we garden. She is considered, responsible and one of the most caring people I have ever met. 

Often I wonder why she happily chats to a washed-up 60-something so freely and comfortably. But whatever the reason, I am thankful for our friendship.

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