Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Ragwort Feeder

I read somewhere that July/August was a good time to spot the distinctive cinnabar moth caterpillar on its favourite food, ragwort.  So today I kept a lookout as I walked around a hot muggy Bassett's Mead Country Park.

There were plenty of gatekeeper butterflies enjoying the feast (extra) but eventually I did find a few caterpillars.  It's strange how these black and gold creatures turn into black and red moths - but that's Mother Nature for you.

I didn't stay long as it was getting hotter and muggier with dark clouds, and only just got back to the car before the rain came down, and seemed to chase me up the A30 home.  There, the heavens opened soon after I arrived and over the course of the next half hour or so about 4ins of rain dumped down - no need to fill my pond now. The road in front of my house flooded - fortunately I'm set above the road level so no problem for me, but the houses opposite were in danger of flooding and a couple of cars with foolish drivers got stranded. The waters subsided fairly quickly so hopefully no real harm done, but it was a bit iffy for a while. Apparently the area round where I took my shots got it much worst with even the railway line flooded. Oh, and its hot and muggy again!

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