Over Yonder

By Stoffel

The Doubleyou Word

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow, 

I was in the office today, I was in yesterday too.

Yesterday I had poached eggs on toast with Fazzy, and we shared one plate. Olivia came along too and asked if I could share lunch with her instead. 

"You WHORE!" said Fazlyn. Which answered that question.

But today no Fazzy. So I agreed I would share eggs on toast with Olly today. 

Except YES Fazzy. She turned up! 

AND she insisted I go to lunch with her EARLY because she had a meeting at 12:30.

I left Olivia a note telling her about this and she met us down in the Kanteen shortly afterward to find us sharing a plate of eggs and toast.

"You... you DOUBLEYOU!!" said Olivia. Not quite able to bring herself to say it. 

Fazzy was unperturbed. She ate her egg happily.

I just do as I'm told.


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