
By JennyOwen


After a run of warm, dry days, I knew that rain was forecast for later on today. So I went out after breakfast for a walk in Straidkilly nature reserve. It's just above Glenarm, about 15 minutes' walk away.
The reserve is a small wooded area of hillside, known for wildflowers, red squirrels, pine martens and other local wildlife.
There was no one else there, it was completely peaceful.
I didn't see squirrels (let alone pine martens). But the view over to Carnlough is lovely, and there were still masses of wildflowers in bloom. Plenty of bees and butterflies too.
Later Richard and I had lunch out at a local cafe.
The rain has really set in now, so I think it'll be an afternoon of reading and photo-editing. After such a sunlit week, that's no hardship.

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