
This wonderful weather does mean that the garden desperately need watering on a regular basis. We do our own garden, our neighbour 's garden and also the flower bed provided by the council which is across the main road. The begonias in the flower bed were really beginning to look a bit wilted last week so we decided to deadhead and water them. (I have always had a secret desire to be a guerrilla gardener!!) It has made a difference .We have been getting some odd looks as we trail across the road with the watering cans. (Our hose does not reach!)

Stuck for a blip today so this is some waterdrops on our Agapanthus after they were watered tonight.

Took a trip up to Lake of Menteith this morning, had lunch at Glenskirlie and Fifi and Lyall called in this evening. That's the weekend nearly over!

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