Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Great Uni-Horned House Finch

It is non uncommon to see fledgling House Finches with random feathers standing straight up on their heads.  I've no idea why this happens or why I never see it in other species, but I always think it is kind of adorable.  I was actually hoping to get one of the digger wasps for today's blip but the weather has been gloomy and somewhat wet so not a lot of pollinators out and about.  Maybe tomorrow.  

I had a zoom yoga class today which was, as always, enjoyable and relaxing.  After that, I finished editing the cat/kitten pics from yesterday and emailed low res images off to the manager.  I sent her a couple of shots last night which she said she loved.  So, hopefully she will like everything I've sent and be able to use some/all in their advertising.  

I woke up last night thinking I heard Phoebe.  Then I laid awake a while worrying about...everything.  All in all, I am feeling much steadier now, but there are those moments when my heart hurts.  And I am a worrier, so there's that, too.  

Took a quick trip into town this afternoon in between rain showers to pick up a few things at the store including a hopefully perfectly ripe watermelon.  

Still enjoying the dark chocolate/cashew "bark" that KangaZu and her hubby gave this week.  I am allowing myself one square a day just so I can make it last.  


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