One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Bowie, the Muppet Dog

Today we met Bowie on Glosh beach. Or rather she saw us from a distance, spotted a potential new doggy friend and intercepted us with the accuracy and the speed of a heat-seeking missile. A much much friendlier version of a heat-seeking missile. 
Being an extremely friendly and at times over-enthusiastic Golden Poodle pup, she just couldn't comprehend that another dog would not be as eager as she was to do what according to her all dogs want to do: run around the beach like mad eedjits. 
It's hard to explain to a Golden Poodle pup that an ageing and blind Spaniel has to take it easy on beaches that are not her beach below Nana's house. She can run like a mad eedjit on Nana's beach. But Glosh is just too foreign for her. 
Bowie was undeterred. She kept trying to start a race. Again and again and again.
She was a very friendly, very energetic dog.

Only slightly demented. She reminded me very much of the drummer from the Muppet Show. 

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