Big Hill

By bighill

That was fun....

Well, it happened - it was awesome - and i completely forgot to take any photos!!!   my friend Alyson got me coming out of the house with the wine....good catch eh.

I had such a wonderful time...a lot of people came and admired my paintings, lots of good conversations and  i sold 2 paintings!   i was very happy - my intention was to talk about my paintings, hear other's response, enjoy explaining my process etc., and having some good friends gathered here for the event.   Not sure how many folks actually came by, but it felt like the room was never empty, until around 7.40pm....

Everyone was so positive and encouraging - such wonderful support from my community and that in itself means so much to me!

Two more days to go.   Tomorrow and Sunday i will set up my easel and paint and explain what i'm doing......never done that before so should be fun.

Very tired but feeling very grateful and happy....Good night from Big Hill !

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