Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

In between

A bit of a messy day.

I had to go to Morriston hospital first, to have a blood test as my medication has changed and they just want to check everything is ok.

I then had to drive to Cardiff hospital for an appointment, but in between I had a couple of meetings to jump on.

So I stopped at a motorway services. One meeting was ok, the other was a bit meh. When you've got 4 people who are there in person and then a couple of people remote, like me, it is very difficult to get a word in. Especially with someone who wants to dominate the conversation and make it all about them. Frustrating!

I had time before my appointment then, so rang an old colleague to see if he was around. He was heading out, but met me for a quick cuppa.

And then it was off to the University Hospital of Wales for my crohns appointment. No problem with finding a car parking space, which was a shock, I was straight into being weighed, straight into the doctor and then straight in for another blood test. It was the quickest I've ever been.

A beautiful day today, and nice warm, just lovely. Probably all change tomorrow. Lol!

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Hospital appointments going smoothly

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