
By BernardYoung


Out of his head
came Penny Lane, Hey Jude,
Let It Be, Get Back, Yesterday,
Blackbird, Eleanor Rigby, Lady
Madonna, Here There And Everywhere,
We Can Work It Out, Maybe I'm Amazed...

so when I’m feeling a little down
about the human race,
after the bomb has gone off
and the murder has taken place
and someone’s cut a corner
to make a bigger profit
and someone’s told lies
to get what they want
and someone’s bought power
because they’ve the money to do so
and someone’s broken into a house
and someone’s stolen a car
and someone’s spat in someone else’s face
or a blood red hate name
has been sprayed on a wall

I think of Paul
and of musicians and poets and artists
who can amaze us
and then I think of
all the amazing and courageous people
who seek to save us
in times of danger and distress,
who are able to speak out
and take action
when we find ourselves in the middle
of something
that we don’t really understand

and I think of all the goodness
that is out there
and is at the heart
of what most of us try to do…

and it helps.

Maybe I'm Amazed

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