
By HareBrain


The dog who dug too deep.

A wonderful afternoon spent with two special friends from the old coalface.  Lunch at our favourite café in town after which we spent the rest of the afternoon in N's gorgeous garden.  We met at 12.30 and I got home at 6pm!

Meanwhile FF sent me a picture of a poster outside their local church in France :

"when you enter this church it may be possible that you hear the 'call of God'.
However, it is unlikely that He will call you on your mobile.
Thank you for turning off your phones.  If you want to talk to God, enter, choose a quiet place and talk to Him.
If you want to see Him, send Him a text while driving."

Well, it is SillySaturday and thanks to davidc for hosting Silly Saturday in memory of our dear Admirer.

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