This is the day

By wrencottage

Emergency blip

Predictably, all the hedgehog food that I put out last night had gone when I came down this morning. That leaves me none the wiser about whether it was scoffed by a hedgehog, a fox or a cat! There are no hedgehog droppings around that I can see, but I’ll persevere for a bit and see whether I get any evidence of a hedgehog’s presence in the garden.

It’s been a day spent on my feet in the kitchen for hours, and I’m whacked, as is my sous chef. We prepared a special supper for our middle son and his family this evening, in lieu of the planned special Sunday lunch (because they had a last-minute change of plan). This meal was an early celebration of Smithers’ birthday in mid August, when our daughter-in-law and two youngest granddaughters will be in Poland.

We enjoyed a wonderful meal, but are now ready to put our feet up and collapse. So this is an emergency blip of my favourite Pretty Lady rose bush, which is having a second glorious flush of blooms.

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