
By Gallopinggran

8pm SKY as the SUN goes DOWN !

These street lamps look like flag poles with a flag on the top ! I think they look silly, e well for those who follow the S. S. B. It’s ok ??
Went to the hairdressers on my scooter ( must say it was a bit of a nuisance-today as the battery kept jumping away from the connection) this meant I had to put the battery back on 4 occasions. Coming home it was ok. I went shopping at the Co Op. as it was just across the road from the boutique, this made shopping easier for me the only thing is there’s only a small basket to carry anything . I lost my tomatoes , or nearly did , someone saw & picked them up . Fortunately they were rescued before they got squashed ?
On coming home & putting the scooter away I thought a cuppa was on the cards! My neighbour emptied the bag of weeds A had filled yesterday .
Then I did a load of washing made an apple crumble for tomorrow & prepared the veggie tomorrow too
Then I prepared my meal . Now watch some trashy TV . I need to go to bed soon as it’s 9.30 pm & I was up at 6am . because sleep eluded me , as it does most nights. Hope your Saturday has been good to you folks .

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