
By Stella2

Green lane

It's been a busy day.  We decided to go for a walk first thing as the sun was shining and the main forecast suggested it would be cloudy.  We chose a circular walk towards Otterton and then heading back along the coast path.   We walked along this green lane which would have been a very popular walking route many years ago. When we reached the coast path we met many other walkers enjoying the cooler weather today.  We didn't see many birds and were disappointed to see several fields close to the path were growing corn which hides some of the distant views.  Nevertheless it's always a lovely walk with changing scenery from inland walking, small areas of woodland, the river and returning along the cliff tops by the sea.  We did see a few more butterflies as well mainly speckled wood ones.

We were back home for a late coffee and then lunch.  It had clouded over and I thought I would do some work on the allotment but by the time I got around to this the sun had come back out.  Nevertheless I ended up 
spending some time there and of course watering as its been so dry recently.

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