David J. Rose

By djrose007


No, they aren't giving us the old Anglo-Saxon two fingered insult, they are emulating the Spice Girls pose, when they used to do the same but with their hands the other way around!
I'm sure Bella and Hetty don't know the significance of this gesture.
We went swimming again this morning, with Daniel, Buddy and Hendrix too. It's really great to have a sister in law with a swimming pool.
Behind the twins is, what we call, the 'Beirut Tree'. Real name is 'Loquat' but we call it the Beirut tree because that's where I brought the seeds from in about 1994. In my mountain top hotel (Al Bustan) there was a large bowl of fruit on the table in my room. I ate the delicious, small yellow, fruit and found they contained large seeds, which I brought home. My father planted some and this tree is the survivor. We don't get any fruit of course, there are no other Loquat's around to cross pollenate.

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