Over Yonder

By Stoffel

The Plotting Thickens...

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

For Jefe's 50th birthday I bought him the game Blood On The Clocktower which we had played previously.

It's a game of plotting, lying, deceiving and murder. It's heaps of fun. But it has taken us SINCE FEBRUARY to get a Blood on the Clocktower evening together. 

I was The Storyteller. Which meant I got to caper about in a cassock and attempt to guide the players through the game of trying to figure out who the EVIL ONE amongst them was before their souls get eaten. I love this sort of thing, being a bit dramatic, giving players hints and tips without giving anything away and encouraging PLOTTING. 

The rules are complex and to be honest I messed up loads of times but no-one seemed to mind and there was a lot of laughter. 

Mainly because Jefe got assigned the role of "Virgin" twice in a row. I swear this did not happen on purpose.

Mind you, the Virgin is quite a powerful character in the game, because it's one of the few roles that can definitely prove they are on Team Good, so long as they are not secretly Drunk.

"I could be a DRUNK VIRGIN!" said Jefe. "They're the best kind!"

Everyone LOVED the "Drunk" twist. Basically whoever is the Drunk, doesn't know they are the Drunk and they spread misinformation all night without realising. 

The faces on those when they realised was a PICTURE. 

But anyway. Apparently I wasn't so great at guiding Team Good as I thought. We played three rounds and it was a Team Evil whitewash all night. They got through to the end COMPLETELY UNSCATHED all three times. 

I need to try and balance things out more. 

The first ringleader of evil was Luke who played dumb astonishingly well. "Oh, I'm errrr.... oh wait...." he kept saying like he had no idea. Team Good fell for it completely. 

The second demon was Briar. But unfortunately for her that game ended after just 15 minutes because Manda made a FATAL ERROR, handing victory to Team Evil.  

"I never even got to murder anyone!" wailed Briar.

The final ringleader of evil of the night was Caro herself. Yes! Caro played the game with us! And she LOVED it! She narrowly escaped Ellie who was onto her and she came through victorious. 

"I bloody knew! I just needed one more vote to execute her, dammit!" Ellie said later. Caro's poker face was excellent. She gave away NOTHING.

In that last round, Jefe also managed to lose his Virginity, being assigned instead the role of the Empath. "I lost my virginity! You're welcome ladies!" he announced.

So it went way better than I thought it would! There was lots of chat and larfs throughout. Caro thoroughly enjoyed herself. I had intended to do just one game but the crowd insisted on three, we played for nearly five hours and everyone wants to do it again.

And it was NOT a #nerdalert.

I've included pictures of side-discussions and plotting in the extras. 


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