Blip Central Blog

By BlipCentral

Seeking Help

Hi, from Blip Central

We made a request to the membership to find a new community and marketing ambassador a few months ago.  While we did get some initial interest we still haven't been able to fill the role most recently vacated by Bex and Richard.

So here we are again with a call out to Blipfoto members, seeking someone, or more than one person, who would be willing to step up into this role.  Of course, it is unpaid, as are all of the roles from the directors down. Would you be willing to give up some of your spare time to help Blipfoto and its community in this area of work?  It really is a fulfilling role to support the friendliest community on the World Wide Web.

If you’re interested, or would like to know more about the role just get in touch with us via 

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