
By Hillyblips

Sedge Warbler

A sedge warbler in the new drainage ponds built by the development going up around us.

Debacle of a day:

Hubs was due back from France tonight fairly late but it meant I could drive Tammy up to mums in Yorkshire and leave the dogs at home with Fred coming over to walk them early evening. This was the only opportunity Tammy had of getting up there for a while so we set off mid afternoon with the view of staying the night and Sunday. Things didn't go to plan as at nearly the half way point Hubs rang with the news that the French customs internet portal for freight was down, lorries were stacking up in Dieppe and no paperwork, which all the drivers had to have, meant no crossing. They only issue the paperwork at arrival at their ports so not something you can carry with you. Drivers with perishable produce and animals were in big trouble.

No Hubs coming back home meant dog dilemma. I hate doing the two way drive up and back to Yorkshire in a day as it's very tiring and plus I wanted more time with mum especially after her falls and hospital traumas. We had flowers, cake and goodies in the car too so I opted to get up there and get home in one hit. No option really. 

Millie had had a wonderful time with her pal Watson and had run her socks off. 

Hubs is now stranded.

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