
By suehutton

Tea on the Lawn

This was the only photo that I took today, just as I was entering the garden of St Joseph's Tea Room up on the Forest. I'm pretty sure that it falls within Northwest Leicestershire DC rather than Shepshed.

The property belongs, I think, to the monastery next door. The tea room has changed hands several times even while I've been living here but it's always preserved this rather amateurish feel. It must have been a retreat in days past. It still is quiet and peaceful. One of the rooms houses a library of religious books.

I'd dropped Len off at tennis but didn't feel like going back home so Basil and I came here for a quiet hour, a pot of tea and some allegedly gluten free cake. I don't think it was. Not quite as bad a reaction as to Olivia's so called gluten free cake but a reaction all the same.

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