Another Day

By BlackTulip

Wasp at the watering hole

I wasn't sure which you'd prefer, a close-up of a wasp or the bitey bits of a ladybird.  Not to worry, you've got both.

I went out for a short stroll this morning while JJ was at the golf club for Liam's lesson and a chat with our son.

Still not much about, although I did get a very quick, blurry picture of a White Lettered Hairstreak butterfly.  They are very tiny and I didn't see where it skidaddled off to.  I also missed the dragonfly and gatekeeper butterfly in companionship at the bird bath.

The Ring bell alerted me to JJ arriving home and has been tinkling on and off every time he goes past it whilst mowing the lawn.  I can see the novelty will wear off very quickly.

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