
By LincolnWarrior

Looking for Mum

The weather today has not been as good as the last few days typical .
A steady start to the morning before heading out of the house and dropping Julie off at her Mum's care home.
I then went off to look for a blip. I decided to go to Hartsholme park and headed to the log pile area. Due to the weather and it not been sunny I didn't expect to see much on them but surprisingly I did spot some Lizards a nice adult see extra and then I spotted a very small one which is good news a lovely little baby lizard only  2 to 3  inches long I did also see a 2nd baby .

After a nice walk in the park back to the care home to pick Julie up then home via Morrisons to pick a couple of bits up . An afternoon of sport including an entertaining  Super League Rugby match London V Catalan which saw London pull off a shock victory  

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