
By PorridgeWog

Sunday ride (Day 3373)

After the morning wander with Sigyn, I got a massive batch of chilli on the go then headed to the horses when I had finished clearing up.
George looked like a bit of a swamp donkey when I brought him in from the field, and it took a while to get him cleaned up before we zoomed off for a ride. He is always a bit more fun when he hasn't been out for a while, and today was no exception. He had his speedy feet on and made the most of any chance to get a bit of a canter. He entertained a load of tourists in Stromness who wanted to give him a scratch.
Back home for another wander with Sigyn, then lunch and an afternoon doing not much.
I'll head out soon to collect my beautiful wife from the ferry. On the way home we will pop in to see Mum and the new addition to the pack.

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