
By ArcLight

After swimming

I took this after a lovely 45 minute swim this morning with A, who kindly gave me a lift to Shandwick, given I don't have a functioning car at present. The water was initially crispy, but it wasn't too cold overall, and we managed to get over to the rocks on the left, and then over to the rocks on the right, and back to our trugs / bags without me getting cramp in my legs. That's progress. It's about 1km, or a little over. But the water was quite slack and easy today, so no excessive difficulties. Even so, I feel like I'm not going to embarrass myself (excessively) when I do the Kessock swim.

Before heading to the beach, I'd already done a 30 minute peloton workout, so to be honest, there was not a lot of activity for the rest of the day. Despite intermittent light rain, I did water some pots and some plants that need "special measures" (we've heard about heavy watering of camellias in August and September to get them to set buds now, so we'll be attending to that as far as we can), but mostly I lay recumbent on the sofa and finished my book. I learned a lot, including that I should call myself a gardener now! 

After dinner, Mr A remarked he'd been here so long he couldn't really remember living anywhere else....

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