
By dogwithnobrain

Please take my hand

Was up and at allotment early today

I finished the strimming while Si tied up the Berliotti beans. For fear of the winds tonight ... Oh yes.  High winds on a Sunday night when the cardboard bin is due to go out 

The nights I have run out in the middle of the night and chased paper down the street 

We weeded the asparagus bed and the potato bed   managed to rip two nettles out with full hands. My palms are still stinging 

we took a drive to The garden centre. My flowery neighbour at that allotment was telling me the names of my favourite flowers in her plot and I wanted to see if I could get some in the sale 

Then it was home to be in for Tooli. She has been in Perthshire for a wedding this weekend   roast dinner was on the menu and we have eaten until we burst 

She is off to bed and I don't think I will be long after her 

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