
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 74/80 > Largo, FL 75/80
Main activity: Sun - Trop Storm Debby, back to Largo, nearly all-day rain
Notes: We both woke around 615-630a - I think I slept all the way thru! Sat around watching the dark skies, threw a load of laundry in around 830a. Finally the rain started and lasted pretty much the rest of the day - fantastic! I packed up and headed north by ~940p, rain and lots of stupid red lights but pulled back into my place 1010a. Unpacked and put away, took a shower. Watched some tv - the end of CBS Sun Morning (the nature minute, really the only good part of it anymore) was over-prompted by local weather and tornado warnings. Around 12p-ish, did a meditation and napped some. Felt pretty out of it for awhile and then made eggs w/ beet/goat cheese and Pacha toast. Dessert was another piece of my carnivore cake w/ freshly made whipped cream (last of the raw cream mixed w/ grass-fed one. Quiet rest of the day enjoying the constant rain and wonderful sounds of drops falling! Finished the MIranda series (may watch again) and going back to Outer Range that Ellen and I started. 

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