One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

There's always one...

These two young life guards were delighted to finally have the end of their shift in sight. 
Gale force wind and horizontal rain are all well and good but after 7.30 hours they lose some of their initial appeal..
They were less delighted to see me strip down to my swimming shorts and walk to the pool (at an angle, against the wind). They pointed to the red flag that was about to tear off its mast but I explained that I am painfully colourblind. 
Then I smiled and told them that I would stay within the pool, well, what we could see of it in the crashing waves and that I could assure them that they would not have to hastily get out of their yellow rain gear to come and rescue me.
They told me that they would not get out of their yellow rain gear indeed, that if I were to get into difficulty they'd look the other way, keep their eye on the clock and head home at 6.30pm sharp, in precisely 7 minutes. 
Fair enough. 

Since I'm blipping this, you must have deduced that I survived (or that these young lads got a medal for bravoury). 

I also survived walking the Erris Loop.

Except that today it was renamed the Erris Loopy Loop. Jeez, that 80km horizontal rain did sting in the face. 
But it was surprisingly warm. Or uncold to be precise. Every storm cloud has its silver lining. 

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