
By Arachne

Another morning, another concert

- this time a Prom with Tom Fetherstonhaugh conducting the Fantasia Orchestra which he founded when he was 18. I first heard him perform and watched him conduct two years later in 2018.  He's already the Assistant Conductor for the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra - definitely a rising star.

Mum and I met up with my brother and his family for Tom's and the Fantasia Orchestra's debut in the Royal Albert Hall, with soloists Sheku and Braimah Kanneh-Mason (cello and violin) and Plinio Fernandes (guitar). They played three of Brahms's Hungarian Dances, which I first heard, then heard again and again and again, on a 7" 33⅓ record my parents gave me when I was about 7. The very first record I ever owned! So those pieces took me back a long way.

It was a thoroughly exuberant concert and a total treat to spend a bit of time with my lovely nephews and nieces.

My camera was confiscated on my way in so this is a disappointingly blurry phone snap.

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