Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Royal Mail?

I bet the Queen doesn't have these problems getting her packages.

Had a 6am start this morning to get the little one to the vet for his chest xray. Ended up having to wait nervously until mid afternoon to hear that he'd survived the aneasthetic. Thankfully Livingston has a large retail park, shopping centre and designer outlet village otherwise we'd have been very bored, but as it happened we were able to fill the time and I got delicious wagamama's for lunch! I took this photo of a crazy fountain in the designer village. Rain falls from above causing the metal traingles to fill and rotate, emptying the collected water.

Turns out the fuzzy thankfully doesn't have a tumour in his lungs, just a very bad case of pneumonia so his antibiotics have been upped and he's to go back in for a check up on Friday. I'd decided to ask them to clean his teeth whilst he was sedated, they thought they looked great but said they'd see what they could do. Just as well really as he apparently had a long term infection that had caused irreversible damage to two teeth, which had to be removed.

He's on a soft mince diet until the mouth is healed and then it will be a case of trying to fatten him back up as he's obviously been unable to eat as much as he should for a while.

So I get back to the flat, exhausted from an emotional day but happy that there would be a little red "we tried to deliver your parcel" slip waiting for me. No slip. That's odd I thought, so I went to track it. Parcel delivered on time. Erm? No, no it wasn't, we've been out all day. After ten minutes of listening to recorded messages I finally speak to a Royal Mail Customer Service guy. Yes, it's definitely been delivered to someone, but sorry, we've no idea who! I've checked with everyone in my block and our flat number in the street opposite but no sign of my shiny new camera. So they're going to ask the guy who delivered it, where he actually delivered it to and then attempt to get it back! Not much chance I'll have it before I go away on Saturday morning then.

It's almost as bad as the time a special delivery parcel from Carlisle to Edinburgh spent a month in a Manchester sorting office, only that parcel was nearly ten times less expensive.

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